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Feel free to contact us with any questions you may have or for booking availability

Clinton McPhaul















Hunters and all guests must sign required forms and pay all required fees upon arrival at ranch. We accept cash, money orders, cashier checks and credit cards (a convenience fee of 4% will be assessed for all credit card/debit card payments). No personal checks accepted at the ranch.


Trophy / meat hunt fees are due at time of harvest or confirmed animal was wounded.


Consumption of alcoholic beverages allowed in camp area only. This applies to hunters and non-hunters.


No smoking allowed inside camp house, barn, or any enclosed ranch facilities. No smoking in hunting areas. Must discard all cigarette butts in appropriate containers.


No children under the age of 12 can be left at camp unattended.


No hunting or shooting allowed from vehicles.


All trash must be disposed of in trash receptacles. Please do so on a daily basis.


No trimming of brush or trees.


Do not remove any artifacts or skulls from the ranch without permission.


Bows and firearms of any kind must be kept in designated areas when not hunting or being used for target practice.


Personal vehicles are only allowed at camp and barn facilities.



Hunters must carry proper hunting license and permits on person at all times. Please visit the Texas Parks and Wildlife website for more information.


Guides and hunters must report all shots, whether hit or miss.


A wounded animal is considered a kill whether recovered or not.


Shooting / wounding any tagged white-tailed deer without guide’s direction / approval will result in a minimum $7,500 fee that must be paid immediately, before leaving ranch.


Do not shoot animals in velvet or spikes unless agreed to in advance and guide gives direction. 


Only shoot animals you have requested to hunt or if guide has provided approval.


Predators are okay to shoot with guides direction.

(Coyotes, opossums, and raccoons; bobcats only if you intend to mount/tan hide).


No night hunting, unless approved by ranch owners.


Majority of hunts will be from blinds (permanent or pop up).


No stalking or roaming the ranch unless accompanied by your hunting guide.


Please remain in your hunting blind.


If hunting from a ladder blind/tree stand, Hunter’s Safety System Harness (or similar safety vest) must be worn and secured at all time hunter’s feet are not on the ground.


Archery spot and stalk hunts: Max of two successful stalks per hunt.

"Hunt" is defined as morning outing/evening outing totaling 2 hunts (4 stalks)/day.

"Successful stalk" is defined as getting within reasonable shot range and/or drawing of the bow.


Guide may request hunters "comfortable shot distance" be demonstrated with consistency before spot/stalk hunts are conducted.


"Comfortable shot distance"  is defined by hunter to begin with and adjusted as necessary based on demonstration.


"Consistency"  is defined as the ability to make two three shot groups at "comfortable shot distance" (preferably one group standing and one group sitting).


*Gratuity is not included in pricing. Although it is not required, we recommend 10-15% of your hunt. Our guides are here to assist you with your hunt and help with your overall experience. Please keep them in mind when you leave.





Guests at M4 Ranch may enjoy catch & release fishing at one of our four bass & catfish stocked tanks.



Items we recommend you bring


Valid Texas hunting license


Release of Liability Form


Sleeping bag & pillow


Personal items; i.e. soap, shampoo, etc.


Rain gear


Ice chest and/or packaging supplies to transport your game


Hunting equipment; i.e. binoculars, bow, firearm, camera etc.


Camera, binoculars for non-hunting guests


Fishing equipment if intending to fish


Hunter’s Safety System Harness (or similar safety vest) if you have one in case you hunt in an elevated open blind

**Violation of any ranch rule or Texas state law will result in dismissal from the ranch and forfeiture of all hunt fees paid.  


We also ask that you keep the camp grounds clean and pick up after yourselves.


Dangerous conditions, risks and hazards do exist on the ranch, included but not limited to; venomous snakes, insects, spiders, blinds, tree stands (whether or not erected by Lessor), wild animals, rough, hazardous driving and walking conditions.

M4 Ranch would like to wish all our hunters the best of luck and enjoyment on your hunt. We hope your experience is pleasant and that you come back again.
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